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These flutes are called 'Mid' tone flutes due to the fact
that their pitch/tone is of a middle or standard octave range.
My hand crafted flutes are created specifically
to achieve a concert and recording quality instrument.
Over 80% of all my flutes created have a natural warble.
I have recently been cited in and interviewed for one of the
best known Native American flute books (Flute Magic:
An Introduction to the Native American Flute
by Tim "WindWalker" Crawford - Appendix I,
3rd edition) on the subject of the warble.
The wood is individually selected for it's natural
character, as well as the quality of the tone desired.
I keep traditional characteristics in my craft and
'burn in' the finger holes and sound windows with metal rods.
As a musician it is important that my flutes are carefully
tuned to a traditional minor pentatonic scale for ease of playing.
A customized instrument, as well as a special
style tuning can also be achieved as a special order.
Each flute is individually fashioned by hand and protected
by an all natural sealer/hardener dipping solution,
then waxed to guard the quality and beauty of the wood.
All mid range flutes are 3/4" & 7/8" bore, split cased construction,
5 or 6 holed (unless otherwise specilfied) and a one-of-a-kind musical instrument.
On average, mid range flutes are 20" to 26" in length.
Used by musicians and amateurs alike, these flutes can be played
simply and with ease. Each flute is unconditionally guaranteed
against cracking and separation due to craftsmanship.
Click on the flute photographs to view a larger image & description.
Click on the 'Flute clips' image below and hear the different
tones available. Click on the 'Flute totems' image below to see
the various totems/birds/blocks available.

Michael Searching Bear

Click on a thumbnail image below to view larger flute images.
These pages will open in a separate window so you can return to this page
to make a new selection.

For ordering information or questions

Last updated: 2/12/21
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